All Day Dreaming
All Day Dreaming
The Two Most Effective A.D.H.D. Tools

The Two Most Effective A.D.H.D. Tools

A carrot and a stick

(3:30min read)

Over the last 20+ years as a creative with A.D.H.D. I’ve tried it ALL... apps, books, notebooks, bullet journals, pomodoros, calendars, therapy, exercise, diet, meditation, solicited advice, unsolicited advice, nootropics, prescription drugs, illegal drugs, and S C R E A M I N G I N T O T H E V O I D !

All of these things worked until they didn’t. To be clear, I’m not saying these aren't helpful tools. They can be and having access to a variety of resources is key to our success. But for any of these things to have a chance of working over the long term I would strongly suggest you start with a foundation based on two main ingredients...

Community and Accountability

These have been the most effective tools that have helped me manage my A.D.H.D. throughout the years and I find this to be especially true for creatives as so many of us tend to work in unstructured environments. But here's the catch, for this to really be effective they must be used together 🤝. Another way to put it is you need both a...

Carrot and a Stick

A combination of reward and consequence to induce the desired behavior. In this case, the “stick” is accountability. For example, a client deadline is a great stick to get something done because it has consequences. Even if you procrastinate, wait till the last minute and have to pull an all-nighter you’ll often find a way to get it done. But all night living is neither fun, healthy nor sustainable.

So how do we squeeze the good out of accountability without the bad? We use a “carrot”, which in this case is community. This is the thing that helps us run interference on our procrastination, our doubts, and imposter syndrome before it paralyzes us. Just the simple act of commiserating with like-minded people, who share the same struggles can reduce stress and be super motivating.

This could include co-working, small groups, body doubling or just watching other people work. It’s not just antidotal, there is a lot of science to back this up. Check out this excerpt from the Harvard Business Review...

Social psychologists have known for decades that people are motivated to work harder when others are watching. When they are observed, people run faster, are more creative, and think harder about problems.

Community and accountability are at the center of All Day Dreaming 🟡. A member’s only virtual studio/community for talented A.D.H.D. creatives/artists struggling with focus/productivity and the waitlist to join is now open...

In the coming weeks and months, a limited number of slots will be made available to join. Priority will be given to artists and creatives as I’ve built this space specifically with you in mind. Join the waitlist at


All Day Dreaming 🟡

All Day Dreaming
All Day Dreaming
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